26 November 2018 Tonight at 21.00 on Channel
5,first episode of Warship: Life at Sea filmed on board
HMS Duncan Last night on BBC2 at 19.00 first episode of repeat of
Britain's Biggest Warship
HMS PoW fires up engines for the first time
Next generation computing technology for the RN
HMS Dragon makes major drugs bust in the Gulf
Rolls Royce to supply new diesel generators for Type 45s
USS Abe Lincoln hosts guests from HMS QE for Thanksgiving dinner
RN to introduce Flexible Service April 2019 - part time work & restrict
time away from home
23 November 2018
An overview of aircraft communication modes from HF to UHF
DX News from ARRL
New HMS Sheffield announced
RN ship numbers to be increased
How the RN charts the world's oceans
21 November 2018 RNARS Christmas Lunch at Crofton
Arms on 18 December at 13.00. Names to David 2E0GLL Welcome back
James G4KWW Reminder about DMR Talk Group for Military & Veterans
First F-35 lands backwards on HMS QE
picture of HMS Defender leaving Plymouth for rendezvous with RFA Tiderace
and FOST
sub-branch in FAA Engineering branch
QE completes F-35 flying trials
New Hovercraft model launched
of what a really elegant warship looks like
Argentinian Navy photos of sunken sub
18 November 2018
When an N-connector isn't
RSGB 2018 Convention video - An Introduction to SDRs & GNU radio
by M0HMO
New version of WSJT-X - but BEWARE, the new version is incompatible with
earlier versions
DX News from ARRL
Lots of information on SDR, dongles and
interesting radio projects using Raspberry Pi
Book now for Advanced Distance Learning course (under the old syllabus)
Videos of AMSAT 2018 Symposium talks now available
IARU-R1 VHF Handbook available for FREE download
Royal Navy leads Lord Mayor Show
Special coin gifted to Remembrance guard
5 documentary - Warship:Life at Sea starts on November 26
Wreck of missing Argentinian sub found
QE Ops Room during air defence exercise
Latest personnel stats for RN
Norwegian frigate runs aground and sinks
7 November 2018 Reminder that GB100ARM has been
activated by Belfast Group
"Radio Black Holes" really exist?
Concerns about wireless power transfer
Using authentication in amateur radio
DX News from ARRL
Building a radio chat device from a Raspberry Pi
RN ships complete biggest NATO exercise of 2018
New carrier ship control training system opened in HMS Sultan
Annual Submariners' Remembrance Service held in London
INS Viraat (ex-Hermes) to be preserved
as maritime museum
toys The case for a non-warfare
officer First Sea Lord
Appledore shipyard closure - another RN supplier goes under
Northumberland deploys her towed array sonar
31 October 2018 Welcome new members Alan & Mark,
studying for Foundation, Claude F5PBL/LZ5KF, Roger G0RMU, David G6ORL,
Tony G3KAG
RSGB members can now view 2 lectures from 2018 Convention on FT8 &
Lessons for HMS QE from the sinking of Russia's largest dry dock
The RN in the Gulf
China launches new submarine of a previously unreported class
25 October 2018 Some more photos added to the
AGM 2018 Album
OP prefix for Belgian amateurs in November
Satellite operation from deck of RMS Queen Mary (call W6RO)
LED lighting can disrupt radio comms
Australian Armistice Centenary special event callsigns
Amateur owned & run AM broadcast station channel292 starts tests on
7440kHz DX
News from ARRL
Tracking people through walls with WiFi passive radar
ITV report on a collection of spy radios If you have any info about
radio equipment used on SS
Freshspring please contact Joe G3ZDF
Submariners get special preview of new Hollywood submarine movie
Two QEs in New York at the same time
Captain of HMS QE hands over to his successor
How to 'unman' the RN
drawing of new Russian Yasen class nuclear powered cruise missile
UK's 10 most important defence roles
18 October 2018 RNARS Field Day 21-10-18 in
Collingwood. Listen
out for GB3RN on 80m upwards
14 October 2018
First batch of photos from 2018 AGM
are now in PhotoAlbums
DX News from ARRL
Gutter clips for stealth wire antennas
IARU Monitoring Service report on 40m intruders
F-35 trials continue on HMS QE
integrated ship's mast, built & tested in factory, then sent to
Osprey tilt wing rotor aircraft makes first landing on HMS QE
ever shipboard rolling vertical landing on HMS QE (video)
4 October 2018 If you plan to attend the AGM on 13
October in Collingwood and you haven't already done so please let Joe
G3ZDF know for catering & security purposes RNARS Field Event on 21
October in Stokes Bay field, Gosport
Buddy Holly's 'Peggy Sue' (ex K5PSG) died on October 1
What is VSWR? Notes & video
Allied bombing in WW2 altered the ionosphere Tony M6LWO is reviving the Stand Easy net. Wednesdays 14:00 local on 3.748 + -
The sun is entering a deep solar minimum
History of the superhet radio
DX News from ARRL
No Nonsense amateur radio podcast explores why FT8 usage is exploding
10 new BATC videos on ATV and satellite usage uploaded to their YouTube
RSGB's Planning Advisory Committee has issued its latest planning advice
to members
Ofcom issues M5 prefix calls again
HMS QE has first night time F-35B landings
Final flight of the Sea King
Winners of RN Photographic competition
Video of first deck landing on HMS QE
19 September 2018
OFCOM responds to FoI request with number of UK Amateur Radio Licences
OFCOM refuses to sanction high power CB amplifiers
DX News from ARRL
First sea-going captain of HMS PoW takes over
60 years of
Defence minister announcement about Type 31e frigates entering service
First Type 26 frigate, HMS Glasgow to be accepted by RN in 2025
HMS QE & HMS Monmouth arrive in Norfolk, Va.
UK radar
satellite launches to track illegal shipping activity
King farewell flypast
Harry Roughers video
12 September 2018
Moonbounce on a dipole
IARU Monitoring System reports of intruders on amateur bands
First EI-JA 70cms moonbounce QSO
Introduction to Amateur Digital TV book available for free
download MFCA has a new web
address DX
News from ARRL
How to use an SWR Meter
Sale of BBC shortwave stations by Babcock
HMS Collingwood Heritage Collection throws open its doors
HMS QE arrives in Mayport, USA
Rolls-Royce engines to power USN's new unmanned drone for air to air
3 September 2018
How Morse Code beat the Dial Telegraph
generation SDR
BBC report about UK's new giant aircraft carriers
Free ATV magazine available for download
DX News from ARRL
100th anniversary of first VK-UK radio contact
29 August 2018 New DMR talkgroup for UK Military &
Veterans - Brandmeister TG23527
Proposed changes to C&Rs/Constitution for consideration at EGM following
2018 AGM
Latest edition of 5MHz Newsletter available for free download
Running the Arduino IDE on a Raspberry Pi
Introduction to Network Radios (video)
Ops Room of HMS PoW fired up
F-35Bs do ramp training in preparation for HMS QE embarcation
![F35B Ramp training](https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/images/news/ships/queen-elizabeth/180822-lightning-pilots-ramp-up-training-for-hms-qnlz/180813-n-zz999-011.jpg?mh=447&mw=980&thn=0&hash=267CB4C04E42E4A32E002BAB3ABBDDE0343A3B68)
F-35Bs expected to make first landing on HMS QE 3rd week in September
The role of offshore patrol vessels in the future of the RN
Scallop wars -
French and British fishing boats clash in the Channel
Channel5 to air programme about life on board HMS Duncan
second aircraft carrier left for sea trials a few days ago
![HMS QE lowered mast](DlgpSYmX4AAxvuP.jpg)
QE's communications mast lowered for maintenance
![HMS QE cable boom](DlgpC-eW4AEzkIb.jpg)
QE cable boom for high voltage shoreside power cables
24 August 2018
There's a
petition to exempt radio amateurs from needing planning permission for
radio aerials
Using a Raspberry Pi3 to detect SAQ VLF signals
News from ARRL
HMS Severn stops plunder of WW1 wreck by illegal salvagers
Italian cadet training ship, Amerigo Vespucci arrives in Portsmouth
Janes' Fighting Ships 2017-18 - yours for just £983
HMS QE - are aircraft carriers too expensive?
QE - Senior rates mess opening Still need volunteers for Committee
membership - can attend meetings by Skype
20 August 2018
RSGB publishes revised syllabus for Foundation, Intermediate & Advanced
RSGB syllabus - changes to Intermediate practicals
ICQPodcast - Pi-Star 12 months on
FT8CALL - FT8 but with chat
New 10 watt 10 band QRP kit on the way from QRP Labs
DX News from ARRL
HMS Daring crew to be awarded Gulf of Aden clasp
HMS QE sets off for F-35B trials
![HMS QE Skippers chair](../images/HMS%20QE%20Skippers%20chair.png)
QE - Skipper's chair
First Sea Lord takes the salute of BRNC Passing Out Parade
3 Merlin
Mk4 from RNAS Yeovilton arrive on board HMS QE
HMS QE - the view from the bridge
Sailing into danger - thoughts on the HMS Daring medal
Where's the chef?
![HMS QE steering position](../images/HMS%20QE%20Steering.jpg)
QE steering position
Jufair is now NSF Jufair Recent
Committee Minutes including 2017 AGM now available on Members' Reports
14 August 2018
Real-time UK band conditions
New liquid
battery could lead to electric cars being charged in seconds
China claims successful test of hypersonic waverider
Zephyr UAV claims new endurance record
820 Naval
Air Squadron embarks on HMS QE
Service personnel being offered second chance after failing compulsory
drug tests
HMS QE - built to survive
10 August 2018
Kiwi-SDR can locate intruders in ham bands
News from ARRL Useful
propagation prediction tool - just give it your locator, antenna and
height, rig and power and mode of transmission
DKARS August 2018 magazine available for free download
Multi, multi-mode mobile
How to use Kiwi-SDR for DF
Junior rates' accommodation on HMS QE
New workboats being built for RN
Second batch of F-35Bs on their journey to the UK (video)
2 August 2018 Call for articles, stories, cartoons
etc for the Newsletter to David (Chairman)
Try out the new Morse facility on Google's keyboard app - GBoard
A decade of digital dependency
The new syllabus for Foundation, Intermediate & Advanced exams to be
released w/c 13 August by RSGB
Upgraded HMS Kent and HMS Defender prepare for global missions
30 July 2018 Congratulations to Mike now M6POY,
Dave M6OVD and Alan M6UIT who all passed their Foundation exam Some
photos of an aerial working party on 28-7-18 in
Significant changes in store for FT8 & MSK144 in WSJT-X 2.0
Ofcom has cleared two 23cm ATV repeaters for operation, the first for a
number of years
DX News from ARRL
Three submarines
break through the Arctic ice
The story
of the building of HMS Hermes
25 July 2018 More aerial remedial activity in
Collingwood next Saturday at 14.00
Android satellite tracking applications
New datamodes broadcast programme on 6070 kHz AM
How to record large chunks of the AM and short wave bands using low cost
As of Feb 2018 Thailand has 3rd largest number of licensed amateurs
Inside the world's biggest
aircraft - it even has a glass floor
DX News from ARRL
Welcome to new members John M6JYS and David SWL but soon to do his
Foundation exam
Current RN submarine replacement programme
RN Type 31e frigate programme abruptly suspended
Updated analysis
of Russian nuclear powered and nuclear armed ultra long range torpedo
of HMS Duncan's enclosed focsle deck
17 July 2018 If you have knowledge of maintaining
the Morse auto keyer GNT 112 (see below) the Comms Museum in HMS
Collingwood would love to hear from you.
![Morse keyer](../images/Morse%20auto%20keyer%20GNT%20112.png)
UK unveils new fighter aircraft which can operate autonomously
Welcome to new members John M6JYS and David SWL
DX News from ARRL
11 July 2018
second news summary from Royal Navy & Royal Marines
Australia to make major investment in ASW frigates
Australia to buy 6 US-built Triton maritime patrol drones
88 MHz trans-Atlantic signals heard in Ireland
BBC World Service short wave listening continues to decline; more now
listen on the Net
ICQ Podcast - Network radio
Starting 17 July the National Radio Centre in Bletchley Park will open 7
days a week for the holiday period
DX News from ARRL
HMS Northumberland rededicated on the Tyne
Animation showing flight paths of all aircraft taking part in RAF flypast
over London First trials of F-35B
onboard HMS QE start this autumn
misses NATO deadline for completing defence review
2 July 2018 New
Radio Communication
Museum of GB in Derby. Visits by appointment with G8EBM.
They are looking for real-life stories
Space communications for beginners
QRZ.COM page devoted to HMS
Amethyst with special call GB4AMT
DX News from ARRL
Armed Forces Day celebrated in Portsmouth
Royal Marine veteran receives France’s highest honour, the Ordre National
de la Legion d’Honneur HMAS
Tobruk scuttled off Fraser coast as a dive site
Type 26 wins Australian frigate
competition HMS Caroline
shortlisted as a heritage finalist in National Lottery Awards 2018
25 June 2018 Best wishes to Marc our
Membership Secretary who is recovering in hospital from an operation
All you sparkers who worked Portishead Radio - see GB0GKA page on QRZ.COM
for 90 year celebration details
Introduction to Network Radios
ARRL Field Day Safety Officer checklist - free to download
IARU HF Managers Handbook - free to download
2m tape measure aerial in FREE Hackspace magazine
DX News from ARRL
Tutorial: Setting up a low cost digital modes receiver with a dongle and
RaspberryPi 3
New SDR product - Artificial Intelligence radio (AIR-T) transceiver
FREE university level textbook - SDR for engineers
HMS Sultan honours trailblazing female engineer HMS QE back in
Pompey for some annual leave
Astute class nuclear sub - Haynes workshop manual reviewed
has Artisan 3D radar bolted on
Wildcat helicopter practises Highline In Flight refuelling from Type 45
21 June 2018 Stand Easy Net
- John G4KGT is looking for someone to take over as Net Controller.
John's details are on QRZ.COM
New FREE book SDR for Engineers
Up to date cloning / programming files for Icom D-Star radios RSGB
Affiliated Clubs Newsletter added to
Special Notices page
Reverse Beacon Network testing FT8 spots
DX News from ARRL
HMS QE RAS with RFA Tidespring
Delivering the RN's new OPVs
Russian Navy accepts new
cutting-edge amphibious craft
PM urged to fund recycling of RN's old nuclear subs
poster of secretive Russian seabed warfare navy 2018 Some new
rally/event management documents added to
Members Only page
13 June 2018 Have a look at the
For Sale or Wanted page for details of
Fred G2IV(SK)'s gear
Maritime Mobile with a UK Intermediate Licence
Night watch
on board HMS Enterprise (video)
Matchstick fleet of every RN ship since 1945
11 June 2018 Some photos from Collingwood Open Day 2018 in
the PhotoAlbum
GEO (FREE) wx satellite newsletter available for download
IARUMS reports Iranian radars active on 28MHz
The great FT8 debate continued
QSO Today podcast - interview with Antenna Guru John Stanley K4ERO
ZS amateurs get 100kHz on 60m
Raytheon developing shipboard antennas to handle comms, radar & EW
DX News from ARRL
RNARS GDPR Policy added to Policies page
Homebrew SDR SSB transceiver from ZL2CTM
USN review of contenders for their new frigate
Receive Cube Sat signals for just $25
RN recipients in Queen's Birthday Honours 2018
F-35Bs arrive in UK Former HMS
Ocean undergoing conversion in Devonport for Brazilian Navy
GE contracted by BAE Systems to replace power systems on Type 45
HMS QE sails for Part II helo trials
Microsoft sinks
data centre off Orkney - for better cooling and server preservation
HMS Defender first Type 45 at sea with Shaman CESM fit
2 men
accused of stealing items from HMS Hermes shipwreck in Dover Straits
Book review - On Her Majesty's Nuclear Service
PoW - Ship Control Centre (SCC) being fitted out
1 June 2018 Collingwood Open Day on 2 June.
Listen out for GB6COD, monitor what we are doing on @RNARSHQ
News from ARRL ICQ
Podcast #267 incl. Dummies Guide to DMR
20 May 2018 SK sale of items bequeathed by George
G2IV on For Sale or Wanted page
USN working on underwater charging points for unmanned underwater vehicles
DX News from ARRL
Photo of Pentagon's shadowy special operations mothership emerges
Ex-HMS Walney for sale, £30,000 to you guv
F-35B - UK industrial participation
in UK Armed Forces numbers
15 May 2018 HMS Collingwood Open Day only 2 weeks
away on 2 June
IARUMS Free Newsletter now available
News from ARRL
Is Joe Taylor of WSJT-X fame killing
off amateur radio?
GB1NHS is the
new NHS amateur radio station
day of the unmanned surface ship is dawning
7th Astute-class sub will be called HMS Agincourt
Permanent Magnet Technology offers new
form of propulsion (YouTube video)
Defence Procurement Matrix RN
takes delivery of unmanned minesweeping system
30 April 2018
Some guidance from
EssexHam on GDPR Special
call OS100V - HMS Vindictive commeration 10-11 May
Serious defects found on HMS Forth
After HMS Diamond's departure from Portsmouth there are now 4 Type 45s
currently at sea
What is a frigate?
BBC TV series about
life on board HMS QE
How the RN tests emerging technologies for use in defence
China unveils new advanced aircraft carriers
26 April 2018
Marconi Day at Oxford Museum
Latest 5MHz Newsletter available for free download
SAQ on air on 1 May on 17.2 kHz
Raspberry Pi 3B+ as an SDR without the SDR
New prefix GR9RW to celebrate Prince Harry's wedding
Germany to get temporary allocation again in 70 MHz band in 2018
FM transceiver from an unexpected chip
News from ARRL
FREE May 2018 HackSpace PDF magazine
First of the Type 26 Frigates will not
be operational until 2027
New Military Times website
10 April 2018
Free IARU Monitoring Newsletter
Tracking aircraft with a Raspberry Pi
Free CQ-DATV magazine
Video of talk by K1JT about working the world with WSJT-X
DX News from ARRL
New RN Operations Hub opens in the Gulf
29 March 2018
Radio rallies &
Hamfests calendar for 2018
HamCollege TV #39 - digital modes & interference
SolderSmoke podcast ep. 203
Role of RSGB & voluntary interceptors in WWII
HMS Ocean decommissioned
HMS PoW is now HV Live
MOD wins another £600M to keep new nukes plan going
Army General named as new Chief of Defence Staff
LF/MF mode with synchronous decoder
ISS SSTV will be active on 145.800 MHz FM in April
CATSync - the new CAT tool for WebSDRs
22 March 2018
Important letter from our Chairman on implications of new data protection
Special call VB18FIFA on air from 1 to 15 June for World Cup
Latest FREE HackSpace magazine now available
News from ARRL
5MHz band access trial for ZL
Have a look inside Russia's latest submarine
Final cure for Type 45 destroyer propulsion problems announced
Some images of
2nd QE class carrier
15 March 2018 ITV
This Morning
visits HMS Belfast
HMS Trenchant breaks the Arctic ice for a look around
RAF will celebrate 100 years on 1
April. RAFARS running RAF100 Award
Essex Ham demonstrated amateur radio at 6th annual Raspberry Jam
Affiliated Clubs Newsletter
12 March 2018 Next Shack Aerial morning on 25th
March at 09.30. Volunteers wanted. Welcome to new members Mike
and Alan who are studying for their Foundation Licence
Equinox 'cracks' forming in Earth's magnetic field
March GEO Newsletter available for free download
Pacific radio drone using FT8 with call KH6JF/MM
Raspberry Pi + LimeSDR = world's smallest DVB transmitter
DX News from ARRL
Trevor Bayliss of wind-up radio fame died last week
Female RN diver marks International Women's Day
First F-35B deploys to warship NEW! Caps with RNARS logo now
available in Commodities
Haynes manual on ASTUTE Class nuclear
subs due out in May
![HMS Sutherland in Oz](DX1DnciVwAANxmq.jpg)
HMS Sutherland arrives in Sydney
5 March 2018
ICQPodcast Ep. 261 - latest Amateur Radio news
DKARS Feb. 2018 Free magazine
DX News from ARRL
Revamped Portishead
Radio website Newbury Radio
Rally will now be held on 24 June 2018
Maplins goes into administration
One of the new Type 26s will be named HMS Cardiff
Oz Navy invent temporary beds that can
be stowed in torpedo racks Russia
claims technical lead over US in development of hypersonic weapons
28 February 2018
Video of SDR talk at Things Conference
Boots for sending Morse Code
Ham College 38 - Digital Modes part 1
WSJT-X v1.9.0 now available
HMS QE back in Pompey after helo trials
The case for building a British hospital
26 February 2018
Any members in the Reading area able to run a stall at McMichael Rally 22
July? Contact Joe G3ZDF
The rise and fall of Radio Shack
National Radio Centre, Bletchley to open 6 days a week
DX News from ARRL
Unusual oscillations in Earth's magnetic field
New Russian sub tactics threaten ageing US Navy (and probably RN)
ICQ Podcast Ep. 260 - Xiegu X108G review
Brum honours bootnecks
First fixed wing pilots join HMS QE
How offshore patrol vessels (OPV) could be important to the future of the
dazzle camouflage for Type 31e Leander concept
19 February 2018 Welcome new members Will M6WRJ &
DSTL Fort Halstead RC G3BRK
IRTS evening
Counties Contest on Tuesday at 20.00
18 February 2018
Foundations of Amateur Radio 'What do you wish you had known when you
started in amateur radio?'
European Radio Amateurs
Organisation free Newsletter
DX News from ARRL
First accelerated engineers pass out in HMS Raleigh
North Korean Special Forces Hovercraft
base New book
on the history of submarine warfare
A bad day at the office - a look at the HMS Ambush collision
Type 26 not shortlisted for USN frigate programme
MOD confirms sale of HMS Ocean to Brazil
15 February 2018
Listening to the ocean - use of underwater sensors to detect submarines
14 February 2018
Coke tin antenna for use with that new RTL dongle
VHF path between VK & ZS still greatest challenge
Sony likely to stop production of short wave radios
RSGB Affiliated Clubs Newsletter for
March 2018
New wideband microwave transceiver for EW applications
Free IARU region 1 monitoring newsletter
Russian military urging personnel to get
off social media
leaving Gib
9 February 2018 Aerial Day and Workshop Clearout
Day on Sunday 11 February at 09.30.
HMS Ocean sails from Portsmouth for the last time
to visit Gib 9 - 12 February
DX News from ARRL
have created a new Club Calls award
HMS Ocean enters Plymouth for last time under White Ensign
Tight fit! Chinook on flight deck lift on HMS QE
5 February 2018
Submarine Q&A on Facebook
Antenna Gain & Polar Chart magic
Raspberry Pi DVB transmitter
DX News from ARRL
First naval air squadron embarks on HMS QE
Fast-track engineering scheme extended to WE and AE branches
HMS QE sets sail for sea trials Revised versions of data protection
policies & communications on Policies
One of our submarines is missing Revised results of INC 2017 on
Contests page
1 February 2018 HMS Cavalier GB2CAV will be
operating on 40 meters Saturday 10th February for reopening of Chatham
dockyard after the winter break
Trials of USN
unmanned ASW hunter ACTUV progressing well
RTL dongle + Raspberry Pi = cheap SDR
(New look) TX Factor episode 20
30 January 2018 Aerial day in HQ Shack on 11 Feb
at 09.45 Thanks to everybody who sent in articles for the Newsletter
DX News from ARRL
February edition of
free HackSpace magazine available
USN has ordered 10 more Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft for US & UK
Latest TX Factor video news now
24 January 2018 Welcome back Derek G4EZZ/F4VQE
Uptake of FT8 digital mode "phenomenally fast"
Putting the Type 45 propulsion problems into perspective
"Operational availability" is biggest challenge for RN sub force
says we need a "cheap, modular warship with plug and play options"
4 deck
general arrangement - QE class carriers (diagram)
23 January 2018
F-35Bs will be 14% cheaper by 2020 - says Lockheed Martin exec
The threat to our armed forces from Russia
The Russians are no cyber threat
starts FOST training Large collection of RadComs available free -
see ForSaleorWanted
22 January 2018 Revised results of RNARS CW
Activity & INORC 2017 contest on Contests page
DX News from ARRL
Special call for HMS Belfast's 80th birthday will be GB80GGCN
view of F18 Hornet landing on US carrier
18 January 2018
How to send and receive SSTV on Baofeng
HMS QE gets ready for sea trials
First section of hull of first Type 26 HMS Glasgow completed
Opinions say MOD will be worst hit by
Carillion collapse
Let's call the Type 31e frigate a corvette
US Navy commanders face negligence charges
Test pilot compares F-35B & Harrier Results of RNARS CW Activity &
INORC 2017 contest on Contests page
17 January 2018
Boeing develops unmanned aerial tanker for USN jets
VK becomes AX for one day on 26 January
Operating Guide
WSPR beacon on the way to the Antarctic
SolderSmoke podcast
#202 is now available
Fourth Astute class sub completes first dive
13 January 2018
Russia's underwater nuclear drone poses problem for NATO
Surg. Capt. 'Rick' Jolly OBE has crossed the bar
12 January 2018 HQ Shack heating is now back on
D-Star satellite lost on launch, replacement planned for Feb 1
DX News from ARRL
What caused US Navy collisions in 2017 RSGB Newsletter for
Affiliated Clubs now available on Special
Notices page
10 January 2018
Plymouth to get £5M new naval museum
The (very) slow process of dismantling RN nuclear subs
This is how to do a recruitment advert
The Naval Review has just launched
its website
Analysis of the acoustic detection of loss of the Argentinian sub
8 January 2018 Welcome to new members Dave NP2MR &
More escorts for Russian ships transiting the Channel
An officer's guide to
breaking the rules Campaign
launched to fund Battle of the Atlantic memorial on Liverpool Pier Head
Consortium formed to bid for Type 31e frigate contracts
HMS Ocean sold to Brazil
6 January 2018
USN to use unmanned Helicopters as forward spotters
Cockpit view of BA A380 taking off from Heathrow (video)
News from ARRL HMS
Belfast 80th birthday weekend of celebrations 16-18 March 2018
2 January 2018 Happy New Year to all our members
and visitors
USN using intelligent buoys for large scale ocean monitoring
DX News from ARRL
Bargain basement Type 31E - Lidl frigate or ...?
Dreadnought class submarine in focus
Unmanned systems and anti-submarine warfare
A contrarian's view that we need more admirals not fewer
24 December 2017
Armed forces veterans to be issued with ID cards
DKARS magazine available for free download
Where are our military this Christmas?
23 December 2017
Annual KW Days will be on 6/7 January
Radio Caroline returns
News from ARRL
HMS PoW floated out of construction dock
18 December 2017
New Radio Amateur Society of Australia
Next Advanced distance learning course starts in January
UK takes delivery of 14th and final F-35B Lightning II this year
Update on Warship World & Maritime Books
Rumour that General Sir Gordon Messenger, Royal Marines will be next
Chief of Defence Staff
17 December 2017
Latest edition of (free) 5MHz Newsletter available for download
US Navy comms system SDR operates from 2MHz to 2GHz
DX News from ARRL
Norway ends national FM broadcasting
The future of Amateur Radio is software - says faradayRF
GEO (weather
satellite) quarterly magazine available for free download RSGB
Affiliated Clubs Newsletter Jan 2018 added to
Special Notices page
A Ham's Night Before Christmas - video classic
RSGB Raspbery Pi 2017 lecture now online
Dummies Guide to DMR
More BBC AM transmitters to close
Tim Peake opens RN-backed technical college in Portsmouth
30 November 2017 Still looking for local helpers
for our Aerial Morning on 10 Devember Xmas lunch on 19 December at
12.00 in The Crofton, Hill Head.
Names & £5 deposit per head to G3ZDF
Slow scan TV from space on 2m on 5-6 December
G3NRW IC-7300 resources page
Ofcom say they 'no longer hold a list of available amateur radio
Explanation of why to use virtual amateur radio
New FM repeater satellite
Review of the new Type 26 Frigates
RN Palace Guard
24 November 2017 Looking for volunteers for Aerial
Morning on 10 Dec - names to G3ZDF
Using Amazon's Alexa as a shack companion
News from ARRL
HMS Diamond limps home with dodgy prop
First Sea Lord warns that Russian incursions into UK waters is the new
norm New page with website T&Cs
Current band conditions from 160m
to 15m
USN prepares for maritime patrol & surveillance by autonomous drone
21 November 2017 Just a reminder that Committee
Minutes are available on Members' Reports
Seven mysterious signals from missing Argentinian sub
Farnham WebSDR changes its address
TX Factor at HamFest & New Broadcasting House
Foundations of Amateur Radio - How does a TCXO work?
9k6 packet radio plug-in for Raspberry Pi
News from ARRL
'Cannabalisation' of RN ships
HMS QE due back in Pompey today
RN Sailors to guard the Queen
HMS Protector deployed to help in search for missing sub
New CO for HMS Collingwood
13 November 2017 Chairman's Summary of the recent
investigation on the Members' Reports page
We are looking for a volunteer to take over as Editor of the Society's
Newsletter. Names to G3ZDF please
Nelson's scars
7 November 2017 Minutes of the last 2 Committee
Meetings on the Members' Reports page,
usual password
6 November 2017
New digital modes changing the complexion of
the bands DX
News from ARRL
VDSL pollution - RSGB Convention video
New IOTA website live
British 'zapper' destroys 500 ISIS drones
How Soviet Akula class sub changed submarine warfare
JOTA now have their own J-codes
Getting started with amateur radio satellites
Re-inventing electronic warfare
The state of digital voice - video presentation
Grave of wartime L/Tel submariner identified in Italy
Royal Marines mark 353rd anniversary
16 October 2017 Some photos of the AGM added to
the PhotoAlbum page
DX News from ARRL
The real reason the USN keeps hitting merchant navy vessels
Foundation & Intermediate exams going online
Are Radio Amateurs a threatened species?
Building a replica of the original Sputnik transmitter
Next Advanced distance learning course starts in January
Full report into sinking of HMS Sheffield
5 October 2017
Tuning in a radio station is a dying art
60 years since Sputnik was launched
USN mixing manned and unmanned vessels to control the seas
Has the old Navy gone yet?
29 September 2017 AR88 offered FREE -
Surplus page Very successful inaugural
Tuesday HQ Net - see @RNARSHQ on
Twitter for details
Tropospheric ducting explained
News from ARRL
Android apps to practice CW
First demo of driverless 2-seater air taxi
New UK regs require tighter cyber security on ships
Free ATV magazine
New HMS Belfast - old one is now HMS Belfast (1938)
25 September 2017 Keep a listen out tomorrow for
GB3RN at 1600A on the new Tuesday HQ Net on 7068 kHz We'll put any
changes of frequency on Twitter on our Home Page
USN deploys cyber security team to investigate ship collisions
Guide to the Hovercraft Museum
Young amateurs - the future of
amateur radio
22 September 2017 Draft 2017 AGM Agenda now
available in MembersReports RSGB
Affiliated Clubs Newsletter for October 2017 added to
DX News from ARRL
Latest (free) RSGB RadcomPlus is now available
D-Star QSO party 2017 starts today and runs till Sunday
Get ready for another disruptive shift in naval warfare Details of
new Tuesday HQ Net on SpecialNotices
D-Day landing craft will become 'new landmark' on Southsea seafront
Some photos from NavyFit 2017 added to
11 September 2017
DX News from ARRL
How the Radio
Amateur Exam has changed in the last 15 years
Longest E-M-E QSO
HamRadio 2017 (Friedricshafen) lectures & papers available online
24 August 2017
Early call for items for AGM Agenda
Ofcom issues guidance for Amateur Radio licensees
Photos of Bob N4XAT operating
multiple locations added to the Albums
New digital mode FT8 gets 750 miles with light bulb dipole
BBC World Service expands with new languages
USN to investigate whether their warships were hacked
Essex Ham guides for new radio amateurs
Photos of new RNARS banners outside
the HQ Shack
Royal Marine Commandos swear by this £2.25 moisturiser (to repel midges)
20 August 2017
Friedrichshafen SDR Academy videos
US 'Global Persistent Surveillance'
![Big balloon](1706MAE_SR_PGSS.jpg.scale.LARGE.jpg)
New owner for Practical Wireless & Radio User
Ofcom has issued some 2 character contest calls erroneously
DX News from ARRL
Malta authorises 60m allocation
How a faulty door bell locked people in their cars
3 methods of TX'ing WSPR reviewed at QSO365
Nelson's chair from Victory on sale for £50K
10 US sailors missing as destroyer collides with tanker
First Sea Lord welcomes HMS QE to her home port
More photos of the arrival of HMS QE in Portsmouth
Video taken inside Ops Room of HMS QE
Broadband terminated dipole for ALE
How one Allied (RAF) techie changed the course of WW2
15 August 2017 HMS QE due in Portsmouth Wednesday
at 07.10
webcam decommissioned - here's a live view of entrance to Portsmouth
Here's the view from Gosport RSGB
Affiliated Clubs September Newsletter in Special Notices
AmateurLogic.TV Ep. 107 looks at new digimode FT8, Scope Kits, Pi Zero &
BBC starts to switch off local medium wave AM transmitters
14 August 2016
HMS QE will arrive in Portsmouth on Wednesday 16 August
Chopper makes first
landing and take-off from HMS QE
12 August 2017
Android 20wpm Morse code trainer
Risk of cyber attacks prompts shipping to return to eLoran for navigation
DX News from ARRL
How to build an SWR/relative power meter (video)
Perseid meteor shower this weekend
HMS QE expected in Portsmouth on August 18
Watch the arrival of
HMS QE from Ryde webcam
Drone touches down on flight deck of HMS QE
7 August 2017
FT-8 the new digital mode for HF & 6m
The mystery Russian station on 4625 kHz that no one claims to run
Free DKARS magazine is now available for download
Upgrade to Scotland's military bases approved
DX News from ARRL
Free SpaceUK magazine
Solar powered GoKit for amateur radio
Keep an eye on
what's happening in the Solent with this webcam in Ryde
HMS QE on her way to Pompey
Range of items recovered from Portsmouth Harbour during dredging
31 July 2017
DX News from ARRL
YOTA 2017 Summer event
Gib's Windy Hill to be rebuilt Black Tot Day today
Hans-Juergen's (DK9OS) visit to Friedrichshafen Radio Fair
24 July 2017
Patron received an honourary degree from Liverpool University
![1st Sea Lord honours](DFPQArhU0AE8Cgs.jpg)
History of CB radio
G5RV honour
HamRadioNow.TV - troubleshooting techniques
Ofcom - spectrum for powerline carrier systems
Investment of £500,000 in Hartlepool Museum of the Royal Navy
Some more Jack Speak
21 July 2017 Some
recent Committee Minutes and Newsletters added to Members' Reports
Everything you wanted to know about the new Type 26 Frigates
First of new Type 26s will be named HMS Glasgow
DX News from ARRL
20 July 2017
TXFactor.TV ep. 17 goes digital - intro to DMR, Fusion & D-Star
Yaesu's new DR2 repeater
DXCC rules are about to change
Ofcom guidance on localised mobile communications onboard ships
features on free World's Repeater Directory app
Ofcom amateur radio licence guidance incl. /M in the Solent
SMS text driven flashing lights in tests on US ships
UK's first drone testing hub for Portsmouth
Naval servicewomen at Greenwich for WRNS100 celebrations
New long range maritime patrol air squadron due in 2020
14 July 2017
Using a mobile phone without a battery
looks at YOTA
DX News from ARRL
HMS QE bumps into RMS QE II
Ocean says bye bye to Makems
RN celebrates Pride in London
7 July 2017 Radar-spoofing
EW systems
Ofcom's approach to enforcement
Report warns RN of potential cyber attack on Trident systems
USN orders 3 more unmanned maritime patrol aircraft
Some more background on HMS QE class carriers
DX News from ARRL
Hong Kong amateurs celebrate with VR20 prefix
HamTests site to close
Free online Foundation course
Advanced distance learning course applications closing shortly
China launches new destroyer in class - claims most advanced warship in
10 biggest aircraft carriers
Digital modes explored
28 June 2017
Some photos of launch of HMS Queen
Elizabeth added to Photo Albuns
DX News from ARRL
Obituary of Joe 7Q7BP/G3MRC by Bill 'TZM
Some video guides to HMS Iron Duke
Timelapse video of HMS QE launch
Summary of proposed changes to the Foundation Syllabus
![HMSQE launch](http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/images/news/ships/queen-elizabeth/170628-frigates-secure-the-seas-for-hms-queen-elizabeth-on-maiden-sea-voyage/mh170003002.jpg?bc=Black&h=262&mh=262&w=490&cropregion=0,90,1497,891&hash=EAC9E879F3E38117)
22 June 2017 Some information about QSLs
from Joe Poole (SK) (7Q7BP/G3MRC ...)
Video interview with the developer of RTL-SDR dongle (that's the sub £20
wideband receiver)
IARUMS reports Iranian wideband radar back on 10m
Jamaican hams now have access to 5MHz JOTA will be held on 20-22
October 2017 DX
News from ARRL Revised
syllabus for Foundation, Intermediate & Advanced exams out for review
China's new submarine engine poised 'to revolutionise underwater warfare'
Advanced distance learning course filling up
Armed Forces Day
24 June 2017
Wrens on parade to mark 100th anniversary
HMS Ocean's electronic warfare experts honoured
New real-time propagation tool goes online
20 June 2017 Just a reminder that this year's AGM
will be held in
RNA Gosport
DX News from ARRL
Advanced distance learning course
8 June 2017
Some photos of Collingwood Open Day
Reports of HMS QE crew getting bored and quitting
4 June 2017 Thanks to everybody who contacted
GB6COD yesterday
DX News from ARRL
Long Range Maritime Patrol now being carried out by drones
New Russian stealth aircraft T-50
24 May 2017
DX News from ARRL
New Bletchley Park Exhibition
Tim Peake KG5BVI & David Honess M6DNT inducted into CQ Hall of Fame
TX Factor Ep. 16 is now on the air
17 May 2017 Family of former member Roger
G7NEG(SK) looking for good home for his gear (Northampton). Contact
First non-US built F-35B rolls off production line in Italy
DX News from ARRL
KH4 & KH7K back on DXCC list
Latest RSGB 5MHz Newsletter available for FREE download
EI0SIX beacon is back on the air
Boeing developing unmanned submersible mothership for deploying drones
Britannia Royal Naval College Open Day will be on 8 July
HMS Daring back in Portsmouth after 9-month deployment in the Gulf
![HMS Daring back in Pompey May 2017](http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/images/news/ships/daring/170512-hms-daring-returns-home-after-nine-month-patrol/fx170125001.jpg?mh=447&mw=980&thn=0&hash=0888455099EDE14F2AFE8215831324BFAAB1A225)
11 May 2017 GB5RAF will be active on HF and VHF from Carew Cheriton Control Tower as part of the Mil-Fest celebration on the 20th May 2017
Inverted Vee V Loop on 40m
Telegraph story about Morse code
Morsum Magnificat magazine now available for FREE download
IARUMS Newsletter now available for FREE download Summer 1998
Newsletter added to the Library
8 May 2017 Piece of RNARS ephemera added to
Miscellany page
HamRadioNow.TV 318 on Antenna testing & comparisons
DX News from ARRL
Memorial service to HMS Sheffield sailors who died in Falklands conflict
RN Museum struggles to raise funds to return last coastal motor boat to
3 May 2017 Very sad to announce that Brian ('Joe')
G3MRC/7Q7BP Member 0033 is SK
Three new HF beacons in South Africa
Film about the dredging of Portsmouth Harbour in preparation for new
Redundant section of Guzz Dockyard converted into Plymouth's biggest
1 May 2017 New album added to
Photo Albums page More photos added
to Belfast AGM photo album
DX News from ARRL
CQ DATV magazine available for free download
Another stage in the roll-out of HMS Audacious
27 April 2017 Welcome to new member Joe M0AXP
USN Zumwalt class of destroyers still developing
BAE to build next Astute-class sub
BATC Chairman wins award
2018 confirmed
Fire onboard HMS Dragon
24 April 2017
Note from Chairman concerning behaviour
USN looks for companies to develop optical comms between subs and aircraft
DX News from ARRL
Photo from Belfast AGM added to Photo Albums
19 April 2017
DX News from ARRL
AX prefix for ANZAC Day on April 25th
International Marconi Day on April 25th
Some photos of visit of DK9OS &
Morsum Magnificat (Morse magazines) now available for FREE download
Haynes Owners' Workshop Manual for HMS Alliance
12 April 2017 GB2CAV (HMS Cavalier) will be active
on Easter Monday GB1SCW (Shoreham Coast Watch) will be active 3-4 June
2017. Details QRZ.COM
Ham Radio Horizons
magazine archive
RF emissions from wind turbines paper
DX News from ARRL
New PSK software for blind amateurs
The 2016 ARRL DXCC Yearbook is available for viewing & downloading
Warship TV programme
on Channel 4
PM criticised for axing 42 Commando
6 April 2017
Radio Communication Museum of Great Britain in Derby
DATV signals from ISS
Calls for Yomper statue to stay in Portsmouth
First of new RFA class enters UK for first time
New bands for US Amateurs
Def. Sec. Fallon won't rule out axing RM numbers
31 March 2017
Scott Polar Research Polar Museum in Cambridge wants to know if you
remember listening to Sputnik in 1957
Ham College 27 - Safety in the Shack
Netherland amateurs get access to 5 MHz on 1st April
Happy 53rd birthday Radio Caroline
Beginner's Guide to Satellite Operating
DX News from ARRL
BBC makes 1920s Radio Times available online
US amateurs get access to new bands
Falkland veterans mark 35th anniversary in Portsmouth
27 March 2017
USB battery pack keep-alive load Collingwood Open Day confirmed for
3rd June - we'll be looking for volunteers
DX news from ARRL
20 March 2017 Dean
2E1ILH (QTHR) is looking for a Mk 19 set Welcome to new member
Michael Mi5MTC
Installing & setting up remote control for IC-7300(video)
DX News from ARRL
This site is now hosted by Shine
Final flypast for RN's Lynx helicopters
HMS QE jetties in Portsmouth officially named
Latest Navy News
16 March 2017 Recent Minutes incl. AGM added to
the usual places
USN researching optical links between subs and aircraft, manned and
New version of Pocket Prefix for Android uploaded to Play Store How
to use
the R820T dongle as an RF generator
RN's shortage of key personnel
15 March 2017
Get together for RNARS members on 24-3-17 at 19.30 in Hardy's in Haslar
Marina DX
News from ARRL
RN's recruitment crisis
9 March 2017
St Patrick's Day 2017 on air
Ham College 26 (video) More about coax, SWR & dummy loads
40m rig in a walnut
MacLoggerDX V6.09 released
DX News from ARRL
10 watt uBITX HF SSB transceiver kit for $50
RSGB says Ofcom is not resolving interference problems
RSGB video blog launched
First of RN's new Offshore Patrol Vessels named HMS Forth
RNAS Culdrose Air Show cancelled because helicopters are needed on active
Type 26 frigates fitted for US missiles for which RN has no budget
26 February 2017
New receive antenna socket for IC-7300
Winter 2017 edition of FREE ARRL publication Radio Waves now available for
download DX
News from ARRL
RSGB looking for comments on implementation of 2015 Review of Contesting
available for download
Video on how to use digital modes with FLDIGI
RN commemorates centenary of women's service
20 February 2017
HamRadioNow.TV - All about SDR
New smart bullets being developed for USN ships
DX News from ARRL
15 February 2017 New photo added to
Historical Photo Album.
Can you identify the Captain on the right?
14 February 2017
AmateurLogic.TV 101 Android RTL SDR, BitX40 & lots more
Senior Service looking for retired senior servicemen & servicewomen
EverythingHamRadio podcast - all about stealth antennas
11 February 2017
NOSIntro book now a free download
NATO's new communications system
Foundations of Amateur Radio podcast Ep. 88 - all about sun spots
DX News from ARRL
Eastney RM Museum to close in April
....And new RM Museum to open in Dockyard in 2020
TX Factor Ep. 14
All RN's attack subs 'out of action'
8 February 2017
DX news from ARRL
BITX-40 on the air
UK to buy 9 Boeing P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft
BATC introduces Portsdown digital ATV project
Receive slow scan TV pictures from space (ISS)
1 February 2017
Ofcom add 'verify your details' button to website
An unusual stealth aerial just a few feet above ground
HamCollege.TV episode 25 - coax, antennas and more
HMS QE arrival in Portsmouth to be delayed
30 January 2017
EBU gets ready for .radio domain launch
CQ-DATV 44 now available for free download
World Radio Day in SOAS London 10 February
Video review of January Radio User
Dx-News from ARRL
25 January 2017
Access Farnham Microwave WebSDR
Turn your PC into a LF/HF/VHF/UHF receiver with a cheap (£8) dongle
How to learn Morse - semi-consciously
Submarine Service new official tartan
23 January 2017
Tunable bandpass filters
Australia's future submarine fleet
RF pollution from Powerline Networking Devices
DX News from ARRL
Today's battle for the electromagnetic spectrum
New .radio Internet domain
18 January 2017
Foundations of Amateur Radio - Stealth aerials
What is a balun and how to make one cheaply
The Pentagon is broke
New carriers will be protected by helicopter surveillance system
5 Hytera DMR rigs
13 January 2017 Listen out for VP8CLE & VP8DKW
from 15 Jan to 3 Feb. Details on QRZ.COM
DX News from ARRL
3D radar system for new carriers passes test
10 January 2017
Unusual aerials
German Callbook in PDF available for FREE download
Controlling a remote transceiver using a Raspberry Pi
Novel way of testing HF antennas
6 January 2017
New propagation prediction tool
Ofcom no longer issuing lists of available calls
No more GK prefixes from Cornwall
Making a frame aerial for medium & long waves
History of UK amateur radio callsigns
DX News from ARRL
How to install Powerpole connectors (video)
RN will invest £30M to test laser weapons on ships
2 January 2017 "Innovative thermal “paint” for RAF’s two new aircraft carriers"
Headline on D. Tel website
![DTel headline](../images/DTel%20headline%20abt%20RAF%20carriers.jpg)
1 January 2017
Ireland gets 5MHz
New synchronous coherent BPSK mode for VLF & low LF
9 special Wild Atlantic Way EI
calls for 2017
DX News from ARRL
Foundations of Amateur Radio ep. 82 Welcome to new members Howard
M0HJF, Ian M6FGP & Duncan MM0CMV
23 December 2016
DX News from ARRL
DKARS December 2016 Free magazine available for download
USN scraps plan to replace ratings' titles
21 December 2016
Twin feeder V Coax cable - which is best?
DX News from ARRL
How to read, draw and understand circuit diagrams
Realtime band conditions
How many aerials do I need?
German amateurs get access to 5 MHz
Mistakes to avoid for newly licensed amateurs
WW1 cruiser HMS Caroline back at her moorings after restoration work
14 December 2016
Russia testing new undersea drones to spoof sonar
Ofcom releases UK Amateur Radio Licence statistics
Amateur Radio & the lack of D-Star repeaters
European Radio Amateurs'
Organisation 'Weekend of PSK31' - Give it a try!
ICQPodcast - low cost Chinese stocking fillers
The Cubical Quad Aerial re-visited
10 December 2016
Naval CW/SSB Contest 2016 today at 16.00
9 December 2016
Slow scan TV from ISS scheduled for today 9 December
HamRadioNow.TV ep. 284 - Hi-def digital ATV
DX News from ARRL
Santa Radio OF9X
will be operational until 31 December Winter 2016 Newsletter and
Committee Minutes 10 Nov 2016 in the usual places
6 December 2916
New book on SDR for Amateur Radio enthusiasts
Switcher V Linear power supplies
HMS Sutherland shadows Russian destroyer through the Channel
HMS Illustrious prepares for her final journey
6 December 2916
New book on SDR for Amateur Radio enthusiasts
Switcher V Linear power supplies
HMS Sutherland shadows Russian destroyer through the Channel
HMS Illustrious prepares for her final journey
3 December 2016
42 now available for free download MSF outage planned for 8 Dec
10.00 - 14.00 DX
News from ARRL
Russian Army to get advanced stealth drone hunter
Battleship Iowa Amateur Radio Association will be active as NI6BB Dec 7
HMS Otus in its new home
Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women Remembrance Ceremony at Cenotaph
New facilities for HMS QE opened in Portsmouth Naval Base
Android smartphone with VHF or UHF TX/RX for £140
2 December 2016 Nigel Auckland M0NAF our Shack
Manager SK. Funeral arrangements
25 November 2016 Congratulations to members Steve
& Joe who are now M6WVV & M6VLL respectively
13% of HMS QE's crew are women-the highest ratio of any ship in the fleet
HMS Duncan breaks down in the Channel & has to be towed back into
MPs debate whether wearing 'fake' medals should be a crime
Kit building for the radio amateur - video
24 November 2016
DX News from ARRL
23 November 2016
HamRadioNow.TV - Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
UK Foundation Exam training videos
7 things you might not know about Uckers
China plans lunar-orbiting amateur radio satellites
RN short of escort vessels - MPs state the bleeding obvious
21 November 2016
Latest edition of the 5 MHz Newsletter now available
MPs say not enough RN escort vessels
18 November 2016 RNARS
CW Activity period starts tomorrow
Bell Helicopter developing new tilt-rotor unmanned aircraft
DX News from ARRL
Using magnets to detect submarines
17 November 2016
HamRadioNow.TV All about HF remote operating
Advanced design USS Zumwalt can't fire its guns because ammo is too
Sunspot cycle plunges to lowest level in 5 years
Cost cutting leaves RN ships without missiles and only guns for defence and offence
15 November 2016
AmateurLogic.TV 97 - Android SDR and more
Annual Uckers championship this weekend in Dolphin
Discussion on the advantages(or not) of DStar and DMR
Poor condition of UK's defence establishments highlighted
14 November 2016 RNARS
CW Activity this coming weekend
Enrol now for Advanced Exam Distance Learning Course
IARU Monitoring System Newsletter now available
Video on turning a Raspberry Pi into a 20m WSPR beacon
Getting Started with Amateur Satellites 2016
New OX beacon on 4m
11 November 2016
RN must send its F-35s to Italy & their engines to Turkey for maintenance
DX News from ARRL
China has developed high speed unmanned sea vessels for ASW work
Rosyth Naval Base to be closed by 2022
10 November 2016
Six things about HMS Sultan
The advantages of DStar and DMR
Martin M0EHL explains why he wears his poppy
![Martin - poppy 2016](img7.jpg)
8 November 2016 Welcome to new member Ian 2E0DUE
Latest TXFactor.TV show released
Budget HF SDR 5W transceiver
HMS Sultan among defence establishments to close
First direct entry engineering PO's ready for sea
Full list of RN/RM base closures
4 November 2016
It was the kettle wot done it
Low cost SDR transceiver covering 100-2500MHz with 1 MHz bandwidth
USN activates first maritime patrol drone squadron
First Type 26 frigate will be laid down next summer
Submariners Remembrance Service & Parade next Sunday
Clyde shipyard confirmed for all Type 26 frigates
1 November 2016
Guide to using WebSDRs
HamRadioNow.tv Ep. 275 Guide to MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio Service)
Nearly 2,000 visit HMS Dragon in Liverpool
31 October 2016
Today is last day of 146 MHz NOV
- renew now
New version of ROS data mode now available
HMS Jufair due to re-open in a few weeks
28 October 2016
CQ-DATV 41 free ATV magazine available for download
China cyber attackers hacked computers aboard US aircraft carrier
One washup of Exercise Unmanned Warrior
Videos of BATC 2016 Convention now available
ARRL's Radio Waves magazine for instructors and educators now available
for free download
DX News from ARRL
Californian radio amateurs banned from operating mobile
26 October 2016
Space Station looking to Raspberry Pi to generate HamTV video
Canadians will be able to use special prefixes throughout 2017
Will Channel 5 give radio amateur a fair hearing?
Collingwood skipper toasts Admiral Collingwood in Tynemouth
![Collingwood skipper](http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/images/news/where-we-are/training-establishments/collingwood/161026-collingwood-toasts-collingwood/trafalgar1.jpg?mh=447&mw=980&thn=0&hash=0C7F310CF3D8F15716EF610DE4104D5DF5BC2B3C)
24 October 2016
OFCOM to allow amateur radio access to terrahertz bands
60m News New $45 40m transceiver
BA pilots practise their submarine skills
21 October 2016
Review of Operation Unmanned
Warrior (That's the drones one)
Program to send
Morse tests Electronic
Notes website
DX News from ARRL
Trafalgar Day celebrations in Portsmouth
HMS Dreadnought name is back again
20 October 2016 Tomorrow 21st October is
Trafalgar Day
RN tracks Russian Navy squadron through the Channel
17 October 2016 Selection of items for sale by
2E1ILH on ForSale page
Listen out Nov 1-9 for VI4SEA
special call to commemorate HMS Sydney & SMS Ebden action off Cocos Is. 9
Nov 1914
So you think you know about DX? Foundations of Amateur Radio Ep. 71
Massive auroras sighted around the Arctic Circle
14 October 2016 And
more photos from DK9OS & DK9MOS of AGM 2016 added to the PhotoAlbum
DX news from ARRL
RN tests unmanned fleet of the future
More on unmanned boats of the future
13 October 2016 Some more photos from the AGM
added to the PhotoAlbum
JOTA/JOTI is next weekend - 15 &
16 October
USS Missouri is amateur radio exam venue
Reuter's War College podcast on 'What the heck has happened to the RN?'
10 October 2016 First photos from 2016 AGM in the
Photo Albums page
Firmware update for new Icom IC-7300
DX News from ARRL
New propagation video released by RSGB for use by clubs
Radio hacker caused havoc at Edinburgh Airport and hospitals
RFA Diligence to be axed 4 years early after nearly £29M refit over past 3
6 October 2016
Alpha Bravo Charlie ... 60 years old
Origins of the RST reporting system
736 Squadron T1 Hawks on exercise
4 October 2016
New OFCOM website will be unveiled on 5 October
Latest ICQPODCAST features HamFest 2016
How to use Amazon Echo in Amateur Radio
CQ-DATV 40 now available for free download
HMS Westminster completes refit
![HMS Westminster after refit](http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/images/news/ships/westminster/161004-westminster-the-interceptor/rs48085cm0174160107westminsterinfrographic.jpg?mh=447&mw=980&thn=0&hash=D61A07D06FB6018A717891C08C76D1AE3DCF449C)
3 October 2016 We'll be operating GB3RN before and
after the AGM. Keep an eye on the
Board for Freqs & Modes
Gov't pledges £1.3B for 4 Vanguard replacements
Drones, drones, drones everywhere in latest RN exercise
HMS PoW affiliations announced
HamRadio20.TV - Android DMR phone from RFinder