23 September 2024
The Summer newsletter has regrettably been delayed, and a more comprehensive update is available for members in the RNARS forum.
The official AGM announcement has now been distributed by post and by email as an attachment to members. It wasn't possible to incorporate this into the newsletter as has been the case in the past. The Society AGM will take place on 12 October 2024 at the RNARS Shack. Full details are in the official letter. If you haven't by now had something please get in touch and we'll get it re-sent if required, but have a look in your spam filter first. If you are an e-newsletter subscriber and wish to have a hard copy of the AGM letter posted then please also get in touch, but a contribution towards postage may be required and it will be fulfilled on a best endeavours basis. I would like to ask members to please do fill out the questionaire linked in the document, even if you just wish to send apologies. This way everything gets captured automatically and helps the committee out immensly.
Key features of the AGM day will be:
Local draft ale and pilsner - from our friends at Powder Monkey Brewery, Gosport. (Take home packs may be available)
Morning social gathering
Up Spirits
Buffet lunch
03 June 2024
The 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings is happening during this week and the National event is being hosted at Southsea Common with The King and Queen in attendance. The RNARS is aiming to be active from the HQ shack during the course of this week in particular to commemorate and remember the landings, but also throughout June where possible. This will include HF, VHF, and on our local repeaters and via digital voice modes (DSTAR, DMR etc).
RNARS members seeking to operate would be welcome where we have people available to facilitate the access. It is imperative if you do wish to do so that you get in touch several days ahead to make arrangements and see if we can support your request. Once in touch we will outline any requirements and key holder availablilty. Please do not turn up at the establishment unsolicited. Please see the relevant contact page in order to get in touch.
09 Mar 2024
Wally Walker G4DIU SK
Wally has sadly passed away in Hospital in Nottingham. The society expresses its deep regrets. Wally was a serving committee member whos contributions will be deeply missed and felt. We offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. More details are on the forum where tributes and notes can be left if members wish to do so.
Subscription changes
At a recent committee meeting the decision was made after careful consideration that the society needs to change its subscription rates.
Updated rates will be from April 2024:
RNARS Membership: changes from £15 to £20
RNARS E-Newsletter only: changes from £5 to £6
Under 25 Membership: No change - remains free for the e-newsletter.
The introduction of a world wide rate for members abroad for posted newsletters of £30, which should be paid in GBP sterling. Bank charges should be borne by the individual.
The changes to the website and paypal links will be done in due course.
27 January 2024
Contacts page has been updated.
Regrettably our Website manager and Newsletter editor positions are vacant, therefore site updates and editions may be reduced or infrequent for the time being. The members' forum is recommended for more regular updates. Please see (NB: Your Callsign must be your username to register)
Newsletter items for inclusion are still very much welcome.
Please contact the committee if you may be interested in helping us out.
13 October 2023
AGM tomorrow Saturday 14th
6 October 2023
Just 1 week to the AGM
30 September 2023
Just 2 weeks to the AGM
Sign up with Martin our Secretary to attend - you have until the end of today
28 September 2023
If you are coming to the AGM and you don't hold a current Amenity Pass please remember to bring some form of photo id such as a passport or driving licence
25 September 2023
This year we will be holding all AGM activities in the Radio shack in Collingwood. Access to respective messes is unfortunately unlikely to be available unless you are an amenity member of the mess itself. Escorts for such activities will not be available. We will have a small cash only bar where we expect to have an ale and a pilsner from one of our local breweries. Wine and soft drinks will also be available for purchase at minimal cost. A cash machine is available on camp, but does charge for withdrawals and isn't close to the shack. Alternate free facilities are available at ASDA across from the main gate. If you can have a few £5 notes to hand, this will be very helpful.
Our approximate timings for the day are as follows:
1000 - Shack officially open (bar available shortly after open)
1100 - Up spirits
1130-1330 - Buffet Lunch and social (buffet free to attendees)
1400 - AGM commences (online zoom AGM meeting will be opened approximately 15-20 minutes prior)
Social will continue after completion for a while after the AGM with the bar available.
Note for online participants. We're still working and learning on better embedding online participation, and we are aiming to have some new equipment, but please understand everything is being done by volunteers in their own time. The AGM meeting itself will be a dedicated zoom meeting, and this will help for transcribing afterwards. However, we'll look to have a separate zoom room open for online participants to join, test if they are working and socialise with each other ahead. If possible a separate area may be set in the shack, space and technical requirements permitting for the shack to be online as well. Credentials will only be sent out to registered participants (day before) so it is essential to register in time.
22 September 2023
1. The final call for persons wishing to attend the AGM in person or by Zoom is Saturday 30th September
2. Final call for items for the AGM is Saturday 30th September
3. The Committee discussed membership subscriptions at their last Meeting and will be informing the AGM of their proposals
4. David M0SLL has stood down as Chairman due to poor health and the Committee elected Ian M0LIH as Chairman and Martin M0EHL as Vice-Chairman
5. Edwin 2E0LLD was co-opted to the Committee
Welcome to new member SWL Victoria
15 September 2023
The AGM will take place on Saturday 14th October at 14.00 in the HQ Shack and by Zoom. If you plan to attend in person or by Zoom please let Martin our Secretary know.
1 September 2023
Welcome to new member John M6GOV #5170
We're still looking for members to stand for the Committee or one of the many posts that will soon be vacant. Go on, have a say in how your Society is run and what it does. You don't have to live in the Fareham area, our meetings are hybrid, a mix of online and in person. Names to Martin our Secretary
25 August 2023
Welcome to new member Phil M0VSE #5169
Our AGM will be held on 14 October in the HQ Shack. Nominations for awards, items for discussion and names of candidates for Committee or other soon to be vacant posts should be sent to the Secretary.
The AGM will be a mix of in-person and electronic attendance. If you plan to attend in person please let the Secretary know by 23 September so we can firm up on catering arrangements
11 August 2023
Joe G3ZDF will be editing the next issue of the Newsletter. If you have any technical articles, reminiscenses or dits please send them to Joe before 1 September
The RNARS will have a stall at the IFR Rally this weekend operated by Alan M6LFM and Mike M6POY
4 August 2023
A number of long-serving officers and committee members will be standing down at the AGM in October. If you would like to give some of your time to help run the RNARS drop Martin our Secretary a line.
31 July 2023
If anyone has photos or memories of the HQ Shack move to HMS Collingwood in 1993 Joe G3ZDF would love to hear from them (see below)
We depend on members for items for our Newsletter so if you have any articles or photos, technical or otherwise please send a copy to Joe G3ZDF or why not just write a letter to the Editor at RNARS Newsletter, Building 512, HMS Collingwood or email it to
Some more photos of the 30th anniversary event added to the Photo Album
14 July 2023
Welcome to new member Trevor M0TVR #5168
8 July 2023
Welcome to new members Gary, 2E0IHS #5166 & Edward SWL 5167
30 June 2023
Keep a listen out for GB6COD on Saturday 1 July
28 June 2023
RNARS member, Mike GM0HCQ has island named after him
Collingwood Open Day 1 July
We will use 7.020 for CW and 14.335 for SSB. 21.410 will be used to transmit RTTY reports of the field gun activities for the Radio Museum. We have filters for 40m and 20m so we may be able to operate on both bands simultaneously. VHF/UHF should be usable all the time. We will be monitoring DMR TG23527.
S22 SU22 will be used for talk-in on the event. Zoom to be used for comms engineering.
We will listen out for the RNARS DX Net at 21.410MHz at 14.30Z it is used by US and VK members
25 June 2023
We will shortly be publishing a frequency list for GB6COD activities for Collingwood Open Day on 1 July
2 June 2023
HMS Collingwood Open Day 1 July
If you haven't already volunteered to help in the HQ Shack on Collingwood Open Day there's still time. Name to Joe G3ZDF please
Ian M0LIH (QTHR) has set up an RNARS SOTA Special Interest Group and is looking for volunteers to assist with the project. Names to Ian
21 May 2023
Jim G4TDS ex-9H1RN #3355 is operating as BW/G4TDS from Taiwan on WSPR on 17m and getting regular reports from UK stations. Keep an ear out for him
20 May 2023
We are still looking for volunteers for HMS Collingwood Open Day on 1 July. Names to Joe G3ZDF please
12 MAY 2023
We've now received the Challenge Coins to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the move of the HQ Shack from HMS Mercury to HMS Collingwood. Cost £12 + P&P. contact Mike M6POY Comodities Manager
![]() ![]() |
There will be other branded and personalised items celebrating this Anniversary including hats, mugs, clothing and lanyards, details to follow
HMS Collingwood Open Day is on 1 July. We are looking for volunteers to meet and greet visitors, to operate special callsigns and to run the various activities we will have on the day. Names to Joe G3ZDF
If you plan to come to the HQ Shack rededication ceremony on 28 July please send your details to Joe G3ZDF
5 May 2023
Reminder: Celebration of 30th Anniversary of arrival of HQ Shack in HMS Collingwood will take place at 11.30 28 July. Send your details to Joe G3ZDF if you plan to attend
15 April 2023
Welcome to new member Fraser OZ1JKU and welcome back Bob G0BSJ
31 March 2023
Advance Notice: Ian M0LIH will be running another Quiz Night on Tuesday 18th April. He's planning to have another 'Home V Away' contest.
27 March 2023
Welcome to new members Duncan G3WZD/M3F #5161, Tony G6ABF #5162 & Ed SWL #5163
13 March 2023
Its that time again, RNARS Pub Quiz! We will be holding our usual 100 question extravaganza at 1900 on Tuesday 14th of March. (Zoom room open at 1830 for technical issues). However there will be a new twist this week, in order to practice ready to receive other teams for the quiz, we are going to have "Home vs away". There will be two teams in the quiz. Zoom details to follow.
10 March 2023
The Historic Newsletter page now has newsletters that are much quicker to download - thanks DK9OS
4 March 2023
Ian M0LIH is setting up an RNARS SOTA Special Interest Group and planning to activate some peaks. If you are interested in getting involved contact Ian QTHR
The 30th Anniversary of the HQ Shack opening in HMS Collingwood and rededication will take place on Friday 28th July. The Committee is trying to gauge the likely level of support and number of attendees. If you would like to attend please drop Joe G3ZDF an email. Wives/partners and families welcome.
There's a new page on this site with historic Newsletters. The first batch covers the lead up to and move of the HQ Shack to HMS Collingwood. The magazines are high resolution and the file sizes are big.
17 February 2023
30 July 1993 - if you were present at the opening of the HQ Shack in HMS Collingwood and have any photos or memories of the occasion could you send a copy to Joe G3ZDF please?
10 February 2023
30th July will be the 30th anniversary of the Society's move to HMS Collingwood. The Committee is looking at how best to commemorate the occasion, Challenge Coins, branded commodities, special call for example. Suggestions please to Joe G3ZDF. More to come on this topic
7 February 2023
Mike M6POY has announced that the Commodities Store is now open
3 February 2023
Ian M0LIH Pub Quiz Master writes:
On Tuesday we intend to hold a Pub Quiz! Those of you who were present during the Christmas Quiz, or the lockdown quizzes, will remember we had great fun on Zoom and in the HQ Shack! Shack Attendees - We will be conducting the quiz live at HQ Shack, starting at 1900, refreshments will be provided (food will be fry-up this time) however, drinks will need to be paid for. Soft and alcoholic drinks available. Non Shack Attendees - The quiz will be available on Zoom, dial in details will be provided closer to the time. You have to provide your own refreshments! HiHi. 100 questions, answers via Kahoot (mobile app for answering). Fastest finger gets most points. The quiz will be general knowledge.
27 January 2023
Welcome to new member Dave, M7CJD
20 January 2023
HMS Collingwood Open Day will be on Saturday 1st July
13 January 2023
Volunteers needed for the International Navy Challenge Teams Contest which is due to be held from 08.00 21 January 23 to 20.00 22 January 23. We would like to run one team from the HQShack. Rules HERE but the dates are as above. Names to Joe G3ZDF
6 January 2023
The Winter Newsletter was sent to all members, on 28 Dec for electronic version and 29 Dec for printed version
There's an updated set of photos of the unveiling of the plaque to Mick, G3LIK available in PhotoAlbums
23 December 2022
There's a postal strike in the UK at the moment so if any member wants to have an early look at the Winter 2022 Newsletter it can be found on our website under Resources ¦ Members' Reports with the usual password
17 December 2022
Christmas greetings to all our members from the Officers and Committee
Welcome to new members Peter M0VPH and Charles G7ETW
9 December 2022
A plaque to Mick G3LIK was unveiled in the HQ Shack this week
28 November 2022
A plaque commemorating Mick G3LIK will be unveiled in the HQ Shack at 13.30 on Tuesday 6 December. Any member who wishes to attend and who does not already have an Access Pass should should send their name, date of birth, nationality and car details to Joe G3ZDF by Sunday 4 December.
19 November 2022
Don't forget the RNARS News Net on Sunday mornings at 08.00 on 3.667MHz
Fred G4HWK will celebrate his 100th birthday shortly. Happy Birthday Fred
5 November 2022
Tuesday HQ Net now regularly active
17 October 2022
The Royal British Legion has launched support grants for Veterans and their families who may be struggling with the cost of living. Details HERE
Some photos from the AGM last Saturday
Train Operating Companies will be offering FREE travel for serving personnel and veterans travelling to and from Services of Remembrance on Sunday 13th November. Details HERE
14 October 2022
AGM Schedule
Shack will open at 10.30 for early arrivals
Lunch at 12.00 in the WO & Srs Mess (Jackson block)
AGM 14.00
12 Octopber 2022
AGM Update
There are a lot of late preparations going on this year due to circumstances out of the control of the committee. The biggest one, the funeral of our late Sovereign, HM Queen Elizabeth II, meant that our usual dialogue and preparations were curtailed during the mourning period. We do hope everyone understands.
Joining Online
We aim to update members who have registered to be able to join the AGM virtually with all the details (or link) before the AGM starts. The link will be emailed no later than the morning of 15 Oct 22. If your details have been registered with either the Secretary or Membership secretary as attending online you will be included in this communication. It is possible for technical reasons that a new meeting link may still need to be issued later on so please do check again just before you join. Please do not request joining links once you have registered as the Secretary has extremely limited capacity to respond to these at the moment. Thank you for your understanding.
1 October 2022
Sales of RNARS commodities have been suspended temporarily until prices from the suppliers have settled down.
30 September 2022
If you plan to attend the AGM please inform Martin our Secretary. If you plan to be there in person he will need your details for Security at the entrance to Collingwood. If you plan to attend virtually he needs to know your email address so he can send you the Zoom access credentials.
8 September 2022
The AGM will take place on Saturday 15 October starting at 14.00 in The WO & SR's Mess, HMS Collingwood and using online facilities.
Paid-up members wishing to attend online should send their details to the Secretary in order to receive online credentials for the meeting.
Agenda items, nominations for offices and apologies should be sent to Martin M0EHL, Secretary by 25 September.
2 September 2022
2 long term members SK, Rod G3KEL, Peter G3RDR
A reminder that there are RNARS Nets running every day of the week. Details HERE
26 August 2022
RNARS will have a stall at the Andover Rally on 4th September
19 August 2022
Welcome back Barry G8PME
12 August 2022
Box of surplus mixed valves available to first member who contacts G3ZDF. Some are in their original packing but no guarantee of their working condition.
5 August 2022
The Committee called for nominations for Certificate of Merit awards to be sent to the Secretary
29 July 2022
Welcome to new members Steve 2E0LYM #5155, HMS Otus DM20OTUS #5156 and Andy G0JZW #5157
Remembering Mike G4DDH #0903 and John VK6AU #1172, both SK
RNARS will be represented at the FR Rally on 14 August by Alan M6LFM and Mike M6POY
15 July 2022
9 July 2022
Summer 2022 Newsletter posted and emailed this week. If you don't get yours by the end of next week let G3ZDF know
3 June 2022
HMS Collingwood Open Day 2 July, still looking for helpers
20 May 2022
We'll be represented at the Newbury Rally on 26th June
12 May 2022
Obituary of Mick G3LIK from Bill G3TZM
20 April 2022
Sad news, Mick G3LIK one of the early members of the RNARS died this morning. May he rest in peace
15 April 2022
Welcome to new member John MW7WJS
Still looking for a few volunteers to help run GB3RN in the International Navy Challenge on 21/22 May. Names to Joe G3ZDF
1 April 2022
Congratulations to Steve G4HJE on reaching 50 years continuous membership of the RNARS
This year's AGM is scheduled for 15 October and will be held in the WO & SRs Mess HMS Collingwood
21 March 2022
Welcome to new member Colin, G0XCF
18 March 2022
Welcome new member Tim, 2E0EGZ
4 March 2022
Welcome back Colin M0OEK #0352
16 Feb 2022
Janet XYL of Brian Poole ("Joe" RNARS 0033, G3MRC, 7Q7BP)(SK) is looking for information about his service in the RN. Full details on the Special Notices page
There is a campaign afoot to raise funds to ensure the survival of HMS Bronington. Details of how to support the project are on the Special Notices page.
28 January 2022
Gordon G4IPV #1625 is SK
21 January 2022
Welcome to new member Geoff G4TQM
Life member Bill WA1HMW is SK
10 January 2022
Results of INC 2021 are available at
7 January 2022
Happy New Year to all our members. Let's hope it's a better one than the last few.
18 December 2021
Welcome to new member Hans LB6GG
The Winter 2021 issue of the Newsletter is at the printers. We aim to get it distributed as quickly as possible
4 December 2021
Welcome back Vincent ON4VDC
30 November 2021
Welcome to new member Trevor M7BWW
19 November 2021
Bubbly Rats primary frequency is now 7085kHz to get away from data frequencies. Secondary remains 3748kHz.
12 November 2021
Welcome to new member Simon M0SIH
31 October 2021
The Committee received a report on the RNARS QSL Bureau from our QSL Manager Pete G4GSA on 28 October.
In view of its lack of use over the past 2 years, the reduction in use of physical cards for a number of years, the increased use of electronic QSL bureaux such as eQSL, LOTW etc and the news that the RSARS Bureau has closed, the Committee agreed to give notice that the RNARS QSL Bureau will close on 1st February 2022.
14 October 2021
MARAC CW Net details added to Nets & Skeds page
8 October 2021
AGM tomorrow Saturday
3 October 2021
Just a reminder that if you wish to attend the (virtual) AGM next Saturday please send an email to with your name, callsign/swl and membership number. You will then receive the Zoom credentials for the meeting.
22 September 2021
Members wishing to attend the online AGM at 14.00 on 9th October should send an email to with their name, callsign (or SWL) and membership number. They will be sent the Zoom logon details before the meeting. Just a reminder that only current and fully paid-up members can take part.
Welcome new member David, 2E1CIK
If you haven't received your Autumn 2021 newsletter drop Joe G3ZDF an email
9 September 2021
Welcome back Martin G8WSH
26 August 2021
Welcome to new member Kim M7CIN
The 61st (not the 60th as originally published) RNARS AGM will be held online by Zoom on 9th October 2021.
Items for inclusion on the Agenda and nominations for the Committee or other offices should be submitted to the Secretary by 13th September 2021
19 August 2021
Welcome new member Jonathon M7LYF
15 August 2021
Members hoping to get back into the HQ Shack will have to wait until 3 September at the earliest
6 August 2021
Best wishes to Mick G3LIK one of our founder members who had a fall and had to spend some time in hospital
Welcome to new member Peter, an SWL in CH
1 August 2021
At the Committee Meeting on 29 July it was agreed that the RNARS AGM on 9 October will be held on Zoom due to uncertainty about access to our usual venue and the level of restrictions likely to apply at the time
26 July 2021
Welcome to new members, Corey, Tom and Giuseppe I2AZ and welcome back Jonathan G4FMG
Committee Meeting Thursday 29 July at 19.00 on Zoom
21 June 2021
Welcome to new member Paul G8JGF
Sid GM4SID has resigned as Call Book Manager. The last Committee Meeting passed a Vote of Thanks to Sid for all his work over the years. Requests for copies of the Call Book should be made to Joe G3ZDF
8 June 2021
Welcome to new members Larry G4HLN and John G4ISS
24 May 2021
Welcome to new member Glyn M6XQE
17 May 2021
Welcome back Kevin G1DKB and to new member Paul MM3JFM
10 May 2021
Welcome new members King M7KBT & Bob M0DDK
Congratulations to Neil on his new callsign M7BXZ
Canadian Sea Cadet group front page news on The Canadian Amateur magazine
18 April 2021
Welcome back Tony, G0UTP
7 April 2021
Welcome to new members Steve G4CGS and Austin 2E0MNV
Any member who has not received their Spring 2021 Newsletter should contact Joe G3ZDF
19 March 2021
Welcome to new members Pete G0JJI and Lynda G6QA
12 March 2021
Welcome to new member Bob G4PVB
27 February 2021
Les – VK2CPC (QTHR) has offered to start a VK/ZL/G etc. SSB net on Sundays 11:00 UK time 14.329, starting this Sunday 28th February on a ‘suck it and see’ basis
22 February 2021
Welcome to new members Martin 2E0GUC and Everett SWL
14 February 2021
Revised RNARS logo now on Logos page
1 February 2021
Welcome to new members Tom G2NV, Paul MM7PWO & Dave GW4XUE
14 January 2021
Happy New Year to all our Members and Visitors
Welcome to new members Rob M0VBD, Les VK2CPC & Tom M7SHF and welcome back Bill G8UTC
29 December 2020
Welcome to new members James MM7WWM and Steve G0NVW
The Winter 2020 Newsletter went out before Christmas and I hope everyone received their copy
17 December 2020
Welcome to new members Paul 2E1FLD and Jack GI4LZR
10 December 2020
The Officers and Committee of the RNARS wish all members and visitors
a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
The Net Controller for the Cornish VHF Net on Monday evenings is Richard G4WKW
8 December 2020
Ian M0LIH is planning a GB3RN HF SSB session streamed on YouTube but with a Zoom call-in on the side starting 19.00 - ish this evening - Tuesday 8 December. All are welcome to join in and/or give Ian a shout. YouTube channel and Zoom credentials to follow.
28 November 2020
Welcome to new member Richard G4JJP and welcome back Age PA0XAW
23 November 2020
Welcome to new member Pete GW0SOO
The Tuesday night online Quiz is back tomorrow. Muster at 19.30 for Quiz at 20.00. Details to follow
22 November 2020
Welcome to new members Andy 2E1LCY & Chris G5VZ
18 November 2020
Welcome to new members Chris G2ABR & George (Jock) 2E0BNI
4 November 2020
Welcome to new member Mike 2E0NLE
Some screen shots of the online AGM added to photo albums
28 October 2020
David our Newsletter Editor is compiling a 60th Anniversary issue of the Newsletter and is looking for memories, events, pictures or anything of interest relating to the Society from the last 60 years. Contact details HERE
Welcome to new member Tim, G4SVC and welcome back Phil G4HUF
20 October 2020
Very successful AGM last week using teleconferencing. Photos to follow
7 October 2020
RNARS 60th AGM will be held this Saturday at 14.00 by Zoom video-conferencing. If you would like to attend send your name, callsign and RNARS number to our Secretary Martin secretary (at)
You must be a current member to attend.
28 September 2020
The Autumn issue of the Newsletter has been emailed to everyone who opted for that form of delivery. If you haven't received the email please drop Joe G3ZDF an email and he will follow it up.
26 September 2020
This year the AGM is due to be held online. RNARS members wishing to attend the online AGM are to send an email to the secretary (at) with their full name, Callsign, and RNARS number to pre-register.
The maximum number of attendees that can be accommodated is 80 and places will be allocated as fairly as possible.
Only paid up members of RNARS may register to attend.
Zoom video conferencing software will be used to host this event, and this should be downloaded prior to the AGM from
Registration will close at 2359BST (2259UTC) on Thursday 8th October or when the maximum number is reached, whichever comes first.
The Zoom invitation and link will be emailed before the AGM to those who have registered with the Secretary.
23 September 2020
Dry run of the AGM video-conference on Saturday 3 October at 14.00. Full details will be emailed to those who have registered to take part.
18 September 2020
Details of online AGM on 10 October 2020 using Zoom will be posted on here
Welcome to new members Alex 2E0HTM, Fred G1HCM, Graham G1PEU, David SWL and Geoff G6BAK
7 September 2020
Committee Meeting on Thursday 10 September at 19.00.
26 August 2020
Calling all ex-WE branch members who may have served in 'Colingrad'. Stories/dits/memories needed for HMS Collingwood 80th anniversary commemorative book to be published later in the year.
Welcome to new member Martins M0PAM and welcome back to Steve G3MII
18 August 2020
Welcome back Ray M6HOU