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Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society

for Radio Amateurs with an interest in maritime affairs


RNARS Certificates of Merit

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Nr. Recipient Call/SWL/ Member/Non-member Citation
2009/1 Robin Bellerby GM3ZYE For all the hard work that he did for the Society as Secretary and Newsletter Editor
2010/1 Bill Mahoney G3TZM For all his hard work for the Society especially in its 50th year, the maintenance work done on the HQ beam and for organising the special call GB50RN which was operational during the Coventry weekend and allowing his equipment to be used
2011/1 Phil Manning G1LKJ For all his work as a regional representative
2012/1 Les Lawbuary EA5AVL Les, Bob and Peter – along with Bill have been instrumental in getting the 15m Maritime Mobile net up and running
2012/2 Bob d'Imperio N4XAT
2012/3 Peter Saunders HZ1PS / VK6PW
2012/4 Bill Cridland WA1HMW Bill instigated the first ever RNARS website. He has also been the mainstay of the weekend North American DX nets and as the Country Manager for the States has done much to make the RNARS known "over there"
2012/5 Fred Rafferty G0HMS Fred G0HMS has been the backbone of the Bubbly Rats net for many years. He has also been an Area Rep. for many years
2012/6 Les Horne GW0JTE For his long service to the Society as a member of the Committee and as an Area Representative.
2012/7 Keith Ray G1GXB For his long service to the Society as a member of the Committee and latterly as the Shack Manager
2012/8 Charlotte Dixon Brittania Hotel, Coventry Charlotte has gone beyond the call of duty in looking after the Society in the hosting and running of the last 2 get-togethers in Coventry.
2013/1 WO1 Rosie Dodd Ex-Officio  
2013/2 Julia Tribe G0IUY For their invaluable help in setting up the Collingwood Radio Club & ATV Group
2013/3 Simon Tribe G0IEY
2013/4 Frank Cotton G0LFI
2013/5 Christine Cotton M6UBI
2013/6 Peter Blakeborough G3PYB
2014/1 Ray Ezra G3KOJ For his service as Shack Manager and Vice-Chairman
2014/2 Hans-Juergen Kempe and Maren DK9OS & DK9MOS For their hospitality to visiting members and for their technical assistance with copies of The Communicator.
2015/1 Roy Walker 2E1RAF For his contributions to the Society Newsletter and for acting as an interface between RNARS and RAFARS 
2015/2 Dr Peter Blakeborough G3PYB  For his development of the HQ Shack ATV facilities 
2015/3 Simon Tribe G0IEY For his work towards improving the power system in the HQ Shack
2016/1 Simon Tribe G0IEY For his technical supervision and guidance of trainees who were preparing for the Foundation and Intermediate exams
2016/2 Dave Williams G8PUO For his technical supervision and guidance of trainees who were preparing for the Foundation and Intermediate exams
2016/3 David Woodhouse G6ORL For his assistance to the RNARS in getting the D-Star repeater GB7RN up and running and keeping a watchful eye on it.
2017/1 Alan Campbell M6LFM For their work in reorganising the cabling in the HQ Shack 
2017/2 Joe Skittlethorpe M6VLL
2018/1 Alan Campbell M6LFM For his work in the HQ Shack
2018/2 Tony Koeller M5AGB For organising and arranging crystal set kits for building on Collingwood Open Day
2018/3 Ian Pitkin G4KJD For his work as Awards Manager
2019/1 Marc Litchman G0TOC For his work as Membership and QSL Manager under trying conditions 
2019/2 Martin Longbottom M0EHL For supporting the Society in a variety of activities 
2019/3 Steve Legg M6WVV For his work as Shack Manager 
2019/4 Joe Kirk G3ZDF For his work as Secretary since 2009 
2020/1 Steve Legg M6WVV For his work as Shack Manager 
2020/2 Alan Campbell M6LFM For his work in the HQ Shack 
2020/3 Kevin Lamb G4BUW For activating and running G3CRS/A during and after the lockdown 
2020/4 Mick Puttick G3LIK For running the Sunday morning News Net week in, week out. 
2021/1 Shine Systems   For hosting the RNARS website
2021/2 Dale Wilson Building Manager 512 For his support to the RNARS over the period of lockdown
2021/3 Kevin Lamb G4BUW For activating and operating G3CRS/A during and after the lockdown
2022/1 Neil Richardson G4EMM For running the Morse skills table on Open Day
2022/2 Steve Legg M6WVV For organising and running the competition on Open Day
2022/3 Ian Hutchinson M0LIH For bringing the Society into the 21st century
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